Update: Announcement by Sideshow Media Group that, Consider David Foster Wallace is back from the printer and Amazon pre-orders will ship ASAP. [via @sideshowmedia]
The collection of essays about DFW edited by David Hering, Consider David Foster Wallace, is now available for pre-order at Amazon (I love the cover!). I wrote about the collection not too long ago, and since then I've read a couple more of the essays.
Graham Foster's - A Blaster Region: David Foster Wallace's Man-made Landscapes. This essay considers David Foster Wallace's take on the traditional American ideas of wilderness. It closely examines examples from The Broom of the System (The Great Ohio Desert) and Infinite Jest (The Concavity/Convexity).
Philip Coleman's - Consider Berkeley & Co.: Reading "Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way". This was particularly interesting for me to read because I have quite a bit of time for this short story/novella. It takes another look at Westward to avoid DFW's (and some critic's) dismissal of its position amongst Wallace's work through close analysis, thus drawing attention to some of its overlooked and particularly successful elements.
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