The Howling Fantods

David Foster Wallace News and Resources Since March 97

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NYC Memorial Links

Links about the NYC Memorial:
CNN Fellow Authors remember David Foster Wallace
New York Times Books Remembering Writer of 'Infinite Jest'
New York Times Books Paper Cuts - Practically Painful English
Publishers Weekly Friends and Colleagues Celebrate Foster Wallace
Band of Thebes Service Programme and Reflection
Thanks to everyone over at wallace-l for their recounts too. It is not often that I wish I did not live so far away from DFW central. The last few days have left me feeling so far away.
Please hit the contact link if anyone is interested in an Australian meetup. Maybe we can get some people together in Canberra...
BTW I have not missed all the emails and links you have all been sending me. I'm a bit behind on the updates and trying to focus on memorial feedback right at the moment.
Last Updated on Sunday, 13 September 2009 20:04  


#1 royalaxation 2008-10-27 09:17
This from the CNN/AP article about the NYC DFW memorial service: "Wallace, who suffered from depression for much of his life, hung himself last month at his home in Claremont, California." Wallace would have been the first to take issue with the lax usage in this sentence. As Brian Garner notes in his guide to English usage, the one DFW reviewed so astutely and apparently read cover to cover: "Coats and pictures are 'hung,' and sometimes so are juries. But criminals found guilty of capital offenses are 'hanged' - at least in some jurisdictions. To be hanged is to be suspended by the neck with a rope or cord for the purpose of causing death." I learned this because I had to look up the correct usage after DFW's untimely death. That rule has been painfully seared into my memory.
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The Howling Fantods