The Howling Fantods

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One of the Best Things About DFW Society

One of the best things to come from the International David Foster Wallace Society is the Diversity Team.


Check out the posts so far:

Look out for members at #DFW1!



#1 Andrea 2017-06-23 01:42
Thanks so much for your support of the Diversity Team! We've been having trouble figuring out what to call ourselves, but if you you call us a team, we'll go with team. Go Team!
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#2 Li 2017-07-21 07:29
Dave is probably rolling in his grave... Infinite Jest was a definitive turn away from the postmodern spirit. One of the manifestations of his brilliance was that despite his postmodern education, he recognized (ahead of the curve) that postmodernism - its rejection of the traditions that built moderism, the fractionation of society - cannot provide solid ground for a healthy person or society. Identity politics is antithetical to his work - the very purpose of which was to delve into the deepest philosophical-theological depths to extract out, or revive, core ideas that we can live by.
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The Howling Fantods