The Howling Fantods

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Home News by Category Infinite Jest Turning to Page One Again

Turning to Page One Again

I was playing catch up the whole time during the latest wallace-l listserv Infinite Jest group read, IJIM (Infinite Jest In Memoriam), and finally finished it, again, last night.
This is getting ridiculous. I have now officially lost count of how many times I've read IJ in full. It has to be five or six times now (based on the dates on some of my bookmarks) I just can't be sure anymore. I was so alert and buzzing after the final, beautiful, sentence that I couldn't sleep, so I did what I always seem to do, turned to the beginning and started again. Is this maybe a cause for concern?
I found the final 100 or so pages the most compelling on this read (the first time, Hal, second, Marathe and Steeply, third time around, AA and Gately). It really felt like time slowed waaay down as I closed in on the end this read. I still find it surprising that there is still so much to marvel at after so many passes. Thanks to everyone over at wallace-l, the conversation for the closing pages has been fantastic. 
I posted about Infinite Summer  (winter in this hemisphere...) at the end of last month and I, like many DFW fans, am watching with anticipation to see how it all pans out. Looks like I might even read along. I think I am most keen to read the responses and reflections of first time readers.
Today's Infinite Summer blog entry by Mimi Smartypants, Why read Infinite Jest? is worth having a look at.
An Oblivion group read is slated to start later this month on wallace-l, I'm expecting it to be a good one. How am I going to juggle this with anotherrun through of IJ?

The Howling Fantods