The Howling Fantods

David Foster Wallace News and Resources Since March 97

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Footnotes 1

I'm sitting in the Martin Segal Theater with a great number of DFW admirers. Already met some people I've been chatting with online for years. Matt Bucher just handed me a flyer for  Consider David Foster Wallace - Critical Essays Edited by David Hering. 300 pages / $24.95 / paperback. Sideshow Media Group Press.
Opening comments have started... more soon.

9:00 AM- 10:00 AM—Panel One: “Consider the Career: Early Fiction to Late Non-Fiction”

Moderator: Brandon Beirne, NYU

Connie Luther, University of Calgary

“Allegory and Symbolism in ‘Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way’: Postmodern Disclosure Disclosed”
Interesting analysis of the allegory of Post Modernism vs Hyper Materialism in Westward. V. interesting.
Elizabeth Freudenthal, Georgia Institute of Technology

“David Foster Wallace, Embodiment, and Identity from the Outside In”
Wow! Spectacular analysis of The Suffering Channel. This one blew me away.
Adam Kelly, University College Dublin

“Democracy in America: David Foster Wallace’s Political Essays”
Wonderful overview and analysis of DFW's political essays. 
An amazing start to the day
Last Updated on Friday, 20 November 2009 22:36  

The Howling Fantods