The Howling Fantods

David Foster Wallace News and Resources Since March 97

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Home News by Category Conferences I'm speaking at the Sydney Writers' Festival!

I'm speaking at the Sydney Writers' Festival!

I've not been able to say anything until today so I'm excited to announce I'll be part of the Remembering David Foster Wallace panel along with Kate Crawford, Julian Murphet, Caroline Hamilton at the Sydney Writer's Festival on Sat 23rd May 2009. This amazing panel has been put together by the wonderful Kate Crawford and I am excited to be a part of it.
I hope to be able to organise a Wallace fan meet-up at a nice bar at some stage over the weekend. I'll keep you posted.(Canberra people meetup group, you know who you are - even though I haven't been in much contact, we'll meetup before the SWF hits).
If you are new to the site today you might like to check out some of David Foster Wallace's fiction and non-fiction, as well as some of the pieces written about him since his death last year that are readily available on the web.

Fiction and Non-Fiction:
Memorial and Biographical Pieces:
Thanks for visiting, come back soon.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 March 2009 18:50  

The Howling Fantods