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Home News by Category Critical Analysis All Things Shining DFW Chapter

All Things Shining DFW Chapter

Happy new year! I'm back from my hols and have a backlog of stuff (some that I posted to my twitter feed) to place here over the next few days - some longer pieces too.
Just in, there's a review of All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age over at the New York Times, its second chapter is devoted to DFW, David Foster Wallace's Nihilism. Looks interesting. 


#1 Terence Blake 2013-11-25 05:24
ALL THINGS SHINING is a great book in many ways, but it gets DFW totally wrong. I have tried to discuss its chapter on DFW productively here:

Adam S. Miller takes a similar view here:
but he takes a very critical view not just of the chapter on Wallace but of the whole project of the book.

I try to reconcile both our view here:
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