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Home News by Category Critical Analysis Elegant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest

Elegant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest

This is very exciting news! In December last year fellow wallace-l reader, Greg Carlisle, posted me a draft of his study of Infinite Jest to read and comment upon. I'm not sure I provided too much useful feedback, but I did get to read an awe inspiring critical text about Infinite Jest. It is now called Elegant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, due for release on November 30 and is available for pre-order over at right now.
Elegant Complexity is wonderful for many reasons (and I'll go into them more as the release approaches), but the two things that struck me most about it were:
    a) it functions very well as a guiding text for a first time reader (Greg has managed to keep it pretty much spoiler free as you read along with the novel) and
    b) its detail, depth, scope of observations, and conclusions are such that it is quite possible that people who have read Infinite Jest more than once (in my case many more times than that, and much more obsessively than is probably healthy) and feel they have a pretty sound grasp of the complexity will have new horizons of understanding and enjoyment opened to them.
I kid you not, Elegant Complexity is this good. I can't wait until it is released.
You can pre-order it at Amazon now: E.legant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest.  


#1 sheth 2007-08-05 12:04
I'm more interested in the forth coming "The Brothers Incandenza: Translating Ideology in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest" by Jacobs, Timothy. Although i've carefully studied Joseph Smith of Mormondom as a safegaurd against self delusional "Under the Banner of Heaven" thinking, but i can't help but feel Wallace taking on the form of a modern day prophet. Pynchon and Cormac McCarthy are there too but DFW has spoken to and activated my spirit the most.
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