The Howling Fantods

David Foster Wallace News and Resources Since March 97

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More on the DFW Archive

Well, news about the U Texas David Foster Wallace archive is all over the web, and neat things keep popping up all over. 
A few choice links from today:
Great little summary article by Meredith Blake over at the New Yorker, What’s in the David Foster Wallace Archive? It contains 10 pics of items from the archive including a letter from Michael Pietsch to David Foster Wallace about his second reading of the draft Infinite Jest. has a nice gallery of photos, #3, a newspaper clipping has a photo of young David Foster Wallace from 1974.
The Guardian has posted five images to scribd and you can zoom in on these ones very nicely! The first is a high res verison of his childhoom viking poem.
Indirectly related to the archive:
Matt Bucher has posted Shawn Miklaucic's 1997 paper on Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree and Fredric Jameson. What's so special about it? Shawn was a student in David Foster Wallace's class and the paper is annotated by Wallace throughout.
(Special thanks to Matt, Shawn, David, and Bonnie)
Last Updated on Thursday, 11 March 2010 15:35