So which cover of David Foster Wallace's The Pale King do you prefer? The US edition cover (the playing card) is designed by David Foster Wallace's widow, artist Karen Green (check out her work at, I'm particularly fond of the machines series, and Here/Gone: An ABC Flip Book For Grown Ups looks interesting). The UK edition (stack of papers) is designed by Jon Gray (one of my favourite cover designers) and is a completely different take.
Which do you like best? Why? Hit up the comments below.

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Gray's is interesting, but doesn't tweak my beak, as it were. Maybe if the shot were less zoomed in and we saw the title and DFW's name on a giant stack of papers on a desk. That would be stimulating.
So I actually like Karen's better, although I didn't in the beginning. I thought there was too much white space up the top and was very boring.. but looking at it in detail and comparing it to excerpts of the actual book, it actually suits it a lot more.
I think I might buy both the American and the UK versions, actually.