The Howling Fantods

David Foster Wallace News and Resources Since March 97

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The Great Concavity - DFW Podcast Eps 10 and 11

(Yes, I'm behind, yes I'm back... I hope you've all been enjoying Infinite Winter, so much incredible content over there.)


Episodes 10 and 11 of the The Great Concavity are available if you haven't checked in for a while. (Follow the show on twitter @ConcavityShow and subscribe to the podcast here)

Matt and Dave interviewed Nick Maniatis (hey, that's me!) in episode 10 and took listener questions in episode 11.

I can't emphasise enough how much fun recording episode 10 was. Amazing.


The podcast is hosted by Dave Laird (@DaveLaird2) and Matt Bucher (@mattbucher,wallace-l,, Simple Ranger, Side Show Media Group) two Wallace enthusiasts with a wealth of Wallace knowledge to share.

Last Updated on Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:37

WBUR - ‘Infinite Jest’ 20 Years Later: David Foster Wallace’s Boston

Today on wbur Radio Boston - ‘Infinite Jest’ 20 Years Later: David Foster Wallace’s Boston:

Bill Lattanzi helps others discover Wallace by giving informal tours of some of the local places described in “Infinite Jest.” He took one of our producers on a hilly walk to see some of the sites, real and fictional, that are central to the book and to Wallace’s life in Boston.

Listen here: ‘Infinite Jest’ 20 Years Later: David Foster Wallace’s Boston

Related links

The Map and the Territory

Radio Open Source - Infinite Jest

Bill Lattanzi's Walking Tour of Infinite Jest


Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 10:11

Infinite Jest 20th Anniversary Edition Out Today

It's the 23rd February here in Australia, which means the US and UK releases of the 20th Anniversary Edition of Infinite Jest (23rd Feb) are (almost) here!

Order the US Edition here.

Order the UK Edition here.

Tom Bissell's essay in the New York Times book review, Everything About Everything: David Foster Wallace's 'Infinite Jest' at 20 was adapted from his foreword to be included in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Infinite Jest.



Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 February 2016 14:40

DFW Inspired Tattoo Project

For some reason I'm suddenly interested in David Foster Wallace inspired tattoos...

More on that later.

I'm currently collecting images of DFW inspired tattoos AND explanations for why people got their tatts for a page on this website.
Got a tatt (or a pic)?
Contact me if you'd like your tattoo to be featured via:

Beyond Infinite Jest

New piece by D.T. Max over at the New Yorker, Beyond "Infinite Jest":

What if an author put forth goals for his fiction so intelligent yet modest, so comprehensive yet dignified, that the reader would not—could not—forget them? Something like this happened to David Foster Wallace when he sat for an interview with Larry McCaffery, for the summer 1993 issue of the Review of Contemporary Fiction. Wallace talked about rap and postmodernism, his idea of good fiction (William Vollmann) and bad (Mark Leyner), and the shape of the literary landscape. Most memorably, he explained why he was a writer.

Continue reading, Beyond "Infinite Jest"




The Great Concavity - DFW Podcast Eps 8 and 9

Episodes8 and 9 of the The Great Concavity are available if you haven't checked in for a while. (Follow the show on twitter @ConcavityShow and subscribe to the podcast here)

Matt and Dave are maintaining an astounding array of guests, DT Max in Ep 8 and Jenni B. Baker in Ep 9.

Both are fantastic eps. I've heard that there's an exciting guest next episode... ;)


The podcast is hosted by Dave Laird (@DaveLaird2) and Matt Bucher (@mattbucher,wallace-l,, Simple Ranger, Side Show Media Group) two Wallace enthusiasts with a wealth of Wallace knowledge to share.

Last Updated on Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:37

Infinite Winter - Keep Reading

Even though I'm mostly dipping in and out of Infinite Jest, I'm finding the blog posts and discussion all over the web surrounding Infinite Winter to be incredible. If you're not reading along go and check out the posts over there now.

Special mention goes to the upcoming interview with Michael Pietsch where readers can submit possible questions! (Due by Fri Feb 26th)


In the Frederick News-Post today, 'Infinite Jest’ at 20: Online Book Club Tackles Novel on Milestone Anniversary.

Here's the reading schedule. Don't have a copy? Pick one up here.



Twitter: #InfWin


The Howling Fantods