UPDATE: Last day for abstract submisisons!
Some more interesting news in the world of Wallace Studies. Read and follow the links below to the call for papers for a special David Foster Wallace issue of the journal, Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon.
Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon –an open access, peer reviewed e-journal of scholarly work pertaining to the writings of Thomas Pynchon, related authors, and adjacent fields– will publish a special issue dedicated to David Foster Wallace. The editors for this issue, Dr. Tony Venezia, Dr. Xavier Marco del Pont, and Edward Jackson, welcome articles that consider any number of topics related to David Foster Wallace’s body of work, which might include, but are in no way limited to:Wallace and canonicity
Periodizing Wallace (the long 1990s, ‘post-postmodernism,’ etc.)
Wallace’s influences (Pynchon, DeLillo, Barth, Gaddis, etc.)
Wallace’s influence (Egan, Franzen, Diaz, Eggers, etc.)
Archival Research and Wallace’s sources
Gender and sexuality in Wallace
Race and ethnicity in Wallace
Ethics, Philosophy, and Wallace
Wallace on pop culture, Wallace in pop culture
Political implications of Wallace’s work
Wallace’s journalism and essays
Aesthetics (Wallace as novelist, short story writer, etc.)
Article abstracts (300-500 words) and a brief CV can be submitted to the “David Foster Wallace Special Issue” online and should be uploaded by April 30th 2015. Submissions with detailed outlines or in draft form will be given stronger consideration. Completed essays of 5000-8000 words must be submitted by 31st July in accordance with the submission guidelines of Orbit. Brief queries to Tony Venezia, Xavier Marco del Pont, and Edward Jackson are welcome, should there be questions about appropriate submission topics. Please note that invitation to submit a full essay does not guarantee inclusion in the issue. Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon is run by academics and supports its open access nature through university grants; there are no author fees.
All the information you need can be found right here.
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