The Howling Fantods

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Home News by Category Podcasts The Great Concavity - DFW Podcast Ep 13 - Rob Short

The Great Concavity - DFW Podcast Ep 13 - Rob Short

Episode 13's guest on The Great Concavity is Rob Short (@VisMeaInLabore) who is also blogging with Matt Bucher over at Simple Ranger about AA's Big Book (which was running parallel to the recent Infinite Winter read of Infinite Jest).

Another top episode!

(Follow the show on twitter @ConcavityShow and subscribe to the podcast here)


The podcast is hosted by Dave Laird (@DaveLaird2) and Matt Bucher (@mattbucher,wallace-l,, Simple RangerSide Show Media Group) two Wallace enthusiasts with a wealth of Wallace knowledge to share.


The Howling Fantods